Friday, December 19, 2008


Endorphins are proteins that are similar to opioids. They are made by the endocrine system of many vertebrates. When they are released into the body, they cause a sense of well-being. They also act as analgesics -- that is, they can fight pain. They are sometimes named "natural pain killers". Endorphins were first found in 1970s. The term endorphin is a general name for many opioid-like proteins. (It consists of two parts: endo and orphin; these are short forms of the words endogenous metersorphine which means "a morphin-like substance which is produced by the human body". Basically what they do is they make you feel good when you workout or do some type of heavy labor. You feel motivated to keep going, and it raises your self confidence. I know that every time I finish a workout I feel like a million bucks!

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Dennis wolf/ Me

Dennis wolf/ Me
i would also like to achieve a goal like this guy did